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Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Silence because we're freaking out, we're freaking the fuck out. Everyone was safe for a while, just complete and total silence for a little bit. Someone at our school has a mother working on the case of Sarah/Sasha/whatever the fuck her name was and they've been pestering him for ages. We got some rumors going around that S (fuck the damn name shit) is still alive. Not sure how they figured it out, but we heard all of it on around Friday night, and I was going to update because Chelle didn't know, but shitshitshitshit.

She's been freaking out for days. Bad dreams and screaming at nighttime. I spent the night at her house Saturday and it's like someone's inside her head pounding hard against her brain and messing around with all her thoughts. It's all distorted and she can't make heads or tails once she wakes up. I've told her to write them down as soon as her eyes fly open, but it's not working. She can't form words coherent enough to write. I think she's started drawing them up as quickly as possible, but I never see them, probably because they'll be too fucked up.

Her cat died on Saturday. No, not only that. What? You thought it's fucking funny that we're freaking out over a little kitten's death? It's not just that we found...Bella...fuck...she was on the porch and...her spine, her spine was ripped out. That's not a fucking accident. And we know it. Chelle was beyond pissed, and she was going insane. We called someone to help us figure out, but it's not like the fucking cops can do anything regarding a dead cat when there's a murderer on the lose.

I need to figure out what to do with Chelle. She came back to school this morning because she couldn't sleep for two days straight (or rather, wouldn't, not with so much nightmares) and now...I don't know. I just don't know.


1 comment:

  1. Holy sh*t...! That's just horrible, what happened to poor Bella!
    I'd ask how well you two are holding up, but Chelle's most recent post told me how she's doing... So, how are you holding up? Is there anything, anything at all, that I can do?
