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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thanks Chelle DX

Welp, guess what two idiots were unbelievably late this morning? What is up with this woman? Dx Poor Chelle was dozing off for most of the morning, during lunch time, and even a bit in the afternoon. I told her if she didn't go to sleep early today and got a good ten hours (yes, ten) she was going to end up passing out in her Pre-Cal class.

My morning more or less began right as my brother had some bipolar, "I'm on the 20's now so I'm obviously better than you" rant, before storming off as my mother yelled after him. My sister just kind of stared at her cereal like it was the newly discovered works of Shakespeare before my dad rescued her and took her to school. It was not a pretty way to start the morning (I still have no clue what all that yelling was about, truth be told), and yet when we got to school today, my homeroom teacher started rambling on about something that had happened. Apparently this girl (can't remember her name. Sasha? Tasha? It was something like that) hasn't been at school for foreverrrr, and she was a good student and really friendly, so I guess some people are worried. She asked us if we'd seen her, but to let you guys in on a little secret, I have no bloody clue what half of my classmates look like, and rarely do I know their names. Sometimes, I even forget what color eyes Chelle has--and she's my best friend. No wonder I'm such a scumbag in her dreams, I can't even remember the simple fact that she has blue eyes. If she hadn't dyed her bangs blue I would probably never pick her out from a crowd of people.

Aside from that, some overload of homework and awkwardness. Lots of awkwardness. That's gotta be a routine in my life.


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