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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Where has she gone?

I want to be happy and cheerful and stuff about Gwen and Chelle actually finding each other after all this time, but I'm really freaking out. Some people we knew from church called my mother around ten this morning and she went out to have lunch and some grown-up talk with them. My brother went with her and my dad stayed at home so I didn't think anything about it. But I was outside a few minutes ago, playing with B.B, and they came in and something's wrong. The whole neighborhood is freaking out because they found--

Fuck, fuck, fuck, some severed arm, thing, I don't know what and they want to run it through DNA but because Sarah's been missing for a while they're sure it's hers and they don't have any leads or any clues and it's almost like someone planted the fucking thing because it was right in front of our school. Why would anyone do that? She was just a kid, what the fuck happened.

Officials were called and my mother said all her friends are trying to tell everyone to be careful. But be careful of what? I'm scared even though nothing can really happen and they're trying to keep it from going viral for some reason but people are just terrified. I couldn't tell B.B what happened, but when she saw me freaking out, I think went on to ask. If she did, hope they didn't tell her. Oh God, I really hope they didn't. Or that she finds this post. I really shouldn't say or write anything but if I don't--I don't know what I'll do.

I'm panicking for no reason, I didn't even know the girl. But it's terrifying. My brother brushed it off and said the chances of anything happening to us or anyone we're close to are low, but why does he have to act like that? As if ignoring things will be any better.

I don't know if Chelle heard or not. I have to call her and ask her, and tell her I can't go to the library today because my mother's been freaking out since she got back. She's so emotionally this whole thing must scare her so much.

I do hope that through all this, I'll still find a way to celebrate Chelle's birthday. She deserves that, at least. We dont turn eighteen every day.

There...just needed to freak out a little.



  1. Message got deleted somehow...

    It's fine, I heard Ally. Don't call me. It's /raining/ right now.

    Znk xgot hxotmy Nos, tuz yurgik.


  2. I'm listening to some Beethoven, by the way. It makes me feel better.

  3. I'm sorry that I haven't been on. Homework got me bogged down.
    As to this, I don't know what to say except, "Holy sh*t."
