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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Library Again-

Ally has the laptop for the night, and I'm at the library even this late, but about to head on out.
It's not my fault I go to sleep late, I just can't seem to sleep. And glad to know the only reason Ally recognizes me is my aqua hair. I need to touch it up soon, along with the blonde, my real color is sprouting out of my roots.

Also, it was Sarah. Not only is Alex unable to remember names or faces, she seems to be going deaf. I don't have Ally's homeroom, but I heard about Sarah when some girls were talking about her.

Real nature lover, she'd always head out to the trails in the park near the ocean. Apparently into photography too, with nature as her favorite subject.

They were musing that she probably lost track of time chasing after a fox or something for a good shoot. Maybe she even set up a little hut or something down there that she's living in, for all we know.

I wouldn't doubt it, I myself have been known to go hours without food over a drawing. Unhealthy? Probably. Worth it? Hell yeah. But, I hope Sarah gets out of the trees soon. Those trails can be confusing at times, and you never know what you'll find in them.


P.S: These blog times must be off, because it's like, 7 PM here... Oh hey, figured how to change it!


  1. "I myself have been known to go hours without food over a drawing." ... Let's just say that I can relate to this, except that I get sidetracked by everything. XD; *is finally eating dinner after being distracted for two hours*
    I'm a photographer, too, one with ADHD to boot, but getting lost for that long--what was it, a few days?--is a bit extreme, don't you think? What if she's lost or hurt? I hope she's alright...

  2. I think Ally-kins stated how long in her last post...

    Again, wasn't sure, since photography sure as hell isn't my cup of tea. You wouldn't catch me dead with a camera in my possession, I'm a little superstitious and you never know if it'll steal your soul. I literally make it my business to skip school on picture day. >:

  3. And I'm sure she's fine, nature lovers usually know what to do, from what I've seen.

    Like, she was the kind of girl who would go camping every summer. I know this because I had her for a class last year and the year before, and those first awkward days of school where they ask what you did over the summer and to introduce yourself, she would mention going camping somewhere up north. Even if she was hurt, I doubt she didn't tell anyone where she was and they would find her...
